Alright, well I wanted to start off by talking about how I am a complete spaz. It's 4 am and I can't sleep for the life of me. I have no reason to be up. I'm not excited for something, or dreading something, I'm just anxious. For no reason. I've been chilling in my room trying to sleep but I just can't. Also, I freak out over the littlest things. As I've been trying to sleep, I've been watching my phone charge and you know how when it charges it shows the battery charging up, starting at no battery and then it goes up to 4 bars and then starts over. Well, when I've been watching it, I've gotten all nervous when I saw the no battery, the one bar, two bars, and the three bars. Anything that wasn't fully charged made me get all nervous. And just typing this is making me get all hot and nervous. What is wrong with me?! Hormones? I don't know but whatever it is needs to chill.
One thing I never talked about a week ago that I feel the need to address is superlatives. In english class, we nominated people for superlatives and then did an awards ceremony thingy. Even though I got nominated for some bad ones, like most obnoxious, and others like it, I won some really cool ones. I got "Class Clown", "Most Positive Attitude", "Best Athlete"(hah), "Best Sense of Humor", "Fit Award"(hah- again), and "Friendliest". I know it was just a little activity in English class, but it made me feel a little better and relaxed me a lil bit for exams (cause y'all know I'm a spaz). I also want to thank everyone who nominated me because it was a nice gesture and its good to know that people see me in a good light.
On another note, I wanted to talk about how I'm kinda moody. I mean, all girls can be moody but sometimes I'm too much. Like one second I'll be super pumped, then a second later i flip out and I'm nervous and scared. Another time I'll be super happy and then I'll get pissed off by the littlest thing. And the other way around. I'm a weirdo. What can I say. I also am one of those people that you don't want to piss off. Like I'm all chill until you screw with me. Then you're dead meat. I think some of the irish blood I have is starting to get to me. I'm like an angry irish dude, like a little angry leprechaun that could kick your butt, cause we all know irish people can fight(and get sunburn LOL). Ok you know its 4:46 in the morning when you're ranting about leprechauns. hahaha

well thats it for now!
anna kelly
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