iCarly is the cutest show ever! hahahaha. I'm aware that I'm a sophomore in highschool. I just love it. Everyone is so funny! I love Sam.. i think it's cause she's just like me..alright well i'm not gonna rant about iCarly cause i know people will be likeWTF?!
ok...... well now i wanna talk about something that bugs me.
I disappoint myself, alot. I want to be my best and do my best, yet I hold myself back. I am my own worst enemy.
ugh. those 3 statements kill me. this is mainly directed at school, but it definitely also applies to swimming. I want to be a good student.. I want good grades. I want to study. I want to do my homework. Something stops me though, I don't know what. I get distracted easily, which means everything takes me twice as long to do, but also something inside of me holds me back. I just need to get through this school year so that I can attempt to start fresh next year.
ok sooooooooo lets talk about something funny and happy before I bring myself down. ok well, brendan and I both have the same taste in youtube videos. He sent me the link to "retarded policeman" and now I am obsessed with it. There are about 20 "retarded policeman" videos and I've watched like 10 today. hahaa HERES VIDEO 1
Today, as I was zoning out (as usual), I started thinking about what people actually mean when they say something.
FOR EXAMPLE: "Good for you" I know some people may mean well when they say this, but I think this saying is sarcastic and sadistic. Like if someone said, "I got a straight perm for my hair and I really like it", and then someone else said, "good for you". It really means "I don't care, or I don't give a ...." Or like if someone is talking about how they are eating healthy and someone said "good for you".. I think they are just saying that cause they don't wanna be completely rude but I know they could care less.
"I don't care" Some people really could care less, but when most people say it, it means that they REALLY DO care and that they are upset or bothered and they want to hide it so they try to act tough. Like if my parents are criticizing me and I say, "I don't care". Sometimes I don't care cause it's about something stupid, but a lot of the time, I really do care and what they are saying is really wearing me down, but my pride doesn't let me break down. I just act tough and deal with it when I am away from my parents. "I'm fine", "I'm ok" ,or "I'm good" Like I have said before.. some people actually mean it, but most people are actually trying to mask hurt or pain. "I'm fine", "I'm ok", or "I'm good" really means, "I'm not ok, but leave me alone because I don't want to talk about it or I don't want your help". Usually people just wanna go cry in a corner when they say this.
"Give me space" Now, this means what it says, 99% of the time. It means, leave me alone, I don't wanna talk to you right now, go away for a while. Usually a while is longer than 5 days (*hint hint*). The only time this doesn't mean what it says is when those complicated girls say it but they really are playing hard to get. I am NOT one of those girls (*hint hint*).
"I hate you" Well.. this one is complicated. Generally "I hate you" doesn't actually mean "I hate you". Most people don't have the guts to go up to someone they truly hate and say it to them. Usually, people say it when they are upset at someone and being a bit dramatic. Some girls say it when a guy has been a jerk to her. Most of the time they are upset at the guy, but they are too infatuated with him to actually be mad at him. If he apologized (like she wanted him to do because she planned this all so that he would feel bad), then she would go back to drooling over him in 1 second.
This is why people should watch what they say, or analyze what people say to them. People usually use their words to imply something, or dance around something so that they don't have to flat out say it.
You know what i mean. It's finally getting nice outside.. just in time for exams and SOLs. It makes me so angry. I need to study, but i need to go and just chill, to reduce stress and stuff. Why can't we just take a midterm and nothing else? Whatever, school sucks.
Well, I went to Chick-fil-a today, and I realized that it is my favorite fast food place, EVER. It is so clean, the food is really good, AND the people who work there are tight as shit. I went in today and the people were having a conversation with me. It started out with the guy asking me about how my day was and then we were talking about swimming and stuff. I love friendly people!
Ok, so I was listening to "One of Us" by Joan Osborne, and it made me think. What if god was one of us?! Like, seriously. It made me think for a long time. Haha I'm lame:)
OH AND GUESS WHAT GUYS?!!!! I MADE A NEW FRIEND!!!! His name is Brendan and he's really cool. And he made me listen to this song, kids by MGMT.. and i love it. It's been stuck in my head all day. YAY!:D
i love making new friends
that is it for now, but tomorrow... hopefully tomorrow, i will blog about swine flu. and my encounters with a creeper by the name of sergio. and my different laughs