Sunday, July 26, 2009
GRR! My older sister steals all of my stuff. ALL OF IT! There is nothing that I can have for myself. She enjoys stealing my new stuff and trying it on, stealing it, using it, wearing, keeping it, ruining it, and all of the above. She doesn't ever think about me. I am the complete opposite. I mean, I'm all about sharing and helping people, but she has lost all of my trust and respect. Time and time again my parents have told her to stop taking my stuff, and they have threatened her with all sorts of punishments, but either my parents didn't stick to their words, or my sister just did it again. I think she is either a messed up, evil person or she has a sickness. She is such a klepto. I would NEVER steal her stuff or wear her clothes. I have my own stuff, I don't need hers, and frankly, I think that wearing other people's bathing suits, clothes, bras, UNDERWEAR, is sick. EW. I don't know what is wrong with her but I'm just about to wring her neck. I'm not even kidding. This is pretty much the only thing we fight about, but it is a big deal to me. A huge deal. I have pride and I don't like taking other people's things but obviously she doesn't. It makes me so angry. I just can't get over it.
Monday, June 22, 2009
I forgot to say in my last post...
...that i watched YEAR ONE on Saturday. I thought it was really funny and at times super cute. Michael Cera is so adorable. He's so bashful and quiet and he just makers me blush. Hahaha! Anyways, one thing about the movie was that it had a lot of biblical references and i'm not holy so i didn't get all of the funny stuff but it was still funny. I feel like this post is pointless. Oh well!

Hey guys, I haven't blogged in about a week. Don't get me wrong.. I've wanted to, but I've had little inspiration.
Alright, well I wanted to start off by talking about how I am a complete spaz. It's 4 am and I can't sleep for the life of me. I have no reason to be up. I'm not excited for something, or dreading something, I'm just anxious. For no reason. I've been chilling in my room trying to sleep but I just can't. Also, I freak out over the littlest things. As I've been trying to sleep, I've been watching my phone charge and you know how when it charges it shows the battery charging up, starting at no battery and then it goes up to 4 bars and then starts over. Well, when I've been watching it, I've gotten all nervous when I saw the no battery, the one bar, two bars, and the three bars. Anything that wasn't fully charged made me get all nervous. And just typing this is making me get all hot and nervous. What is wrong with me?! Hormones? I don't know but whatever it is needs to chill.
One thing I never talked about a week ago that I feel the need to address is superlatives. In english class, we nominated people for superlatives and then did an awards ceremony thingy. Even though I got nominated for some bad ones, like most obnoxious, and others like it, I won some really cool ones. I got "Class Clown", "Most Positive Attitude", "Best Athlete"(hah), "Best Sense of Humor", "Fit Award"(hah- again), and "Friendliest". I know it was just a little activity in English class, but it made me feel a little better and relaxed me a lil bit for exams (cause y'all know I'm a spaz). I also want to thank everyone who nominated me because it was a nice gesture and its good to know that people see me in a good light.
On another note, I wanted to talk about how I'm kinda moody. I mean, all girls can be moody but sometimes I'm too much. Like one second I'll be super pumped, then a second later i flip out and I'm nervous and scared. Another time I'll be super happy and then I'll get pissed off by the littlest thing. And the other way around. I'm a weirdo. What can I say. I also am one of those people that you don't want to piss off. Like I'm all chill until you screw with me. Then you're dead meat. I think some of the irish blood I have is starting to get to me. I'm like an angry irish dude, like a little angry leprechaun that could kick your butt, cause we all know irish people can fight(and get sunburn LOL). Ok you know its 4:46 in the morning when you're ranting about leprechauns. hahaha

well thats it for now!
anna kelly
Alright, well I wanted to start off by talking about how I am a complete spaz. It's 4 am and I can't sleep for the life of me. I have no reason to be up. I'm not excited for something, or dreading something, I'm just anxious. For no reason. I've been chilling in my room trying to sleep but I just can't. Also, I freak out over the littlest things. As I've been trying to sleep, I've been watching my phone charge and you know how when it charges it shows the battery charging up, starting at no battery and then it goes up to 4 bars and then starts over. Well, when I've been watching it, I've gotten all nervous when I saw the no battery, the one bar, two bars, and the three bars. Anything that wasn't fully charged made me get all nervous. And just typing this is making me get all hot and nervous. What is wrong with me?! Hormones? I don't know but whatever it is needs to chill.
One thing I never talked about a week ago that I feel the need to address is superlatives. In english class, we nominated people for superlatives and then did an awards ceremony thingy. Even though I got nominated for some bad ones, like most obnoxious, and others like it, I won some really cool ones. I got "Class Clown", "Most Positive Attitude", "Best Athlete"(hah), "Best Sense of Humor", "Fit Award"(hah- again), and "Friendliest". I know it was just a little activity in English class, but it made me feel a little better and relaxed me a lil bit for exams (cause y'all know I'm a spaz). I also want to thank everyone who nominated me because it was a nice gesture and its good to know that people see me in a good light.
On another note, I wanted to talk about how I'm kinda moody. I mean, all girls can be moody but sometimes I'm too much. Like one second I'll be super pumped, then a second later i flip out and I'm nervous and scared. Another time I'll be super happy and then I'll get pissed off by the littlest thing. And the other way around. I'm a weirdo. What can I say. I also am one of those people that you don't want to piss off. Like I'm all chill until you screw with me. Then you're dead meat. I think some of the irish blood I have is starting to get to me. I'm like an angry irish dude, like a little angry leprechaun that could kick your butt, cause we all know irish people can fight(and get sunburn LOL). Ok you know its 4:46 in the morning when you're ranting about leprechauns. hahaha

well thats it for now!
anna kelly
Saturday, June 13, 2009
i'm back!
I missed y'all! I actually didn't go anywhere, but I've gone through alot recently, and I haven't been in the mood to blog:(
Alright, well lets get to bloggin'!!!
and PS BRENDAN- people have been telling me that they miss reading my blog, so suck it!
So the first thing i want to talk about is school. Today, I came to realization that most of the people I'm cool with now, are different than the kids I was cool with at the beginning of the year. Which can mean one of two things, or possibly both. Either I've matured and found more genuine friends, or I've just changed so my personality started to clash with people that it used to harmonize with. And by changed, I mean.. well, you know how your attitude seems to change every quarter. Like at the beginning of the year, you care about school and what people think of you, and then the second and third you progressively stop caring, and by the end of the year you can't wait to get out, and you could care less what people think of you. So I think I just stopped tolerating the people that are kinda rude by the 4th quarter because I lost all of my patience. BUT during the 4th quarter, I become appreciative of the true friends that I have.
I have a LOT of really good friends, but I'm only gonna mention 5 right now. Don't feel offended. I promise I will talk about you in my blog another time. I just have to finish by midnight!
These are in no particular order!
Renfred Harper!

Okay so this kid is amazing! He always knows how to make me laugh, and he's always there to talk. He understands me and helps me with my problems. Renfred is extremely creative and funny! We are gonna be BEST FRIENDS FOREVER!<3
Elizabeth Robinson!

Elizabeth is sooooo nice! I've known of her since 8th grade, but this year we actually started talking. We are a lot alike! She is always there to talk and she has great advice. I hope we get to hang out a bunch this summer cause we would have a lot of fun! I hope we are BEST FRIENDS FOREVER, also!<3
Fred Baker!

FRED! When I first met Fred on the bus, I knew we were gonna be friends. He's so bashful and sweet! He always tries to cheer me up and offers good advice. Fred has the special gift of understanding girls' feelings and he always knows what to say! I love you Fred!<3
BFFS<3 style="" size="4" face="arial">Jacque Severance!

Jacque is the sweetest friend ever! She always has my back, and does really thoughtful things. I love having classes with her cause we always laugh at the dumbest things, and according to Brian Gallagher and Keith Langhauser, we are like twins. HAHA! Aw well Jacque is amazing! BFF<3!
Cristobal Montano!

Cristobal is my baby pimp bff!!!!! I love him! He always makes me feel important and he's got cha girl's back! We have this weird connection that not many people understand. And we have this pact where we will never argue, and if we do, he's always right. Also, we give eachother advice, and we will never judge eachother. DID YOU JUST GO STUFF YOUR SPEEDO?! LOL ILY<3 pepper spray moments!
Alright, well lets get to bloggin'!!!
and PS BRENDAN- people have been telling me that they miss reading my blog, so suck it!
So the first thing i want to talk about is school. Today, I came to realization that most of the people I'm cool with now, are different than the kids I was cool with at the beginning of the year. Which can mean one of two things, or possibly both. Either I've matured and found more genuine friends, or I've just changed so my personality started to clash with people that it used to harmonize with. And by changed, I mean.. well, you know how your attitude seems to change every quarter. Like at the beginning of the year, you care about school and what people think of you, and then the second and third you progressively stop caring, and by the end of the year you can't wait to get out, and you could care less what people think of you. So I think I just stopped tolerating the people that are kinda rude by the 4th quarter because I lost all of my patience. BUT during the 4th quarter, I become appreciative of the true friends that I have.
I have a LOT of really good friends, but I'm only gonna mention 5 right now. Don't feel offended. I promise I will talk about you in my blog another time. I just have to finish by midnight!
These are in no particular order!
Renfred Harper!

Okay so this kid is amazing! He always knows how to make me laugh, and he's always there to talk. He understands me and helps me with my problems. Renfred is extremely creative and funny! We are gonna be BEST FRIENDS FOREVER!<3
Elizabeth Robinson!

Elizabeth is sooooo nice! I've known of her since 8th grade, but this year we actually started talking. We are a lot alike! She is always there to talk and she has great advice. I hope we get to hang out a bunch this summer cause we would have a lot of fun! I hope we are BEST FRIENDS FOREVER, also!<3
Fred Baker!

FRED! When I first met Fred on the bus, I knew we were gonna be friends. He's so bashful and sweet! He always tries to cheer me up and offers good advice. Fred has the special gift of understanding girls' feelings and he always knows what to say! I love you Fred!<3
BFFS<3 style="" size="4" face="arial">Jacque Severance!

Jacque is the sweetest friend ever! She always has my back, and does really thoughtful things. I love having classes with her cause we always laugh at the dumbest things, and according to Brian Gallagher and Keith Langhauser, we are like twins. HAHA! Aw well Jacque is amazing! BFF<3!
Cristobal Montano!

Cristobal is my baby pimp bff!!!!! I love him! He always makes me feel important and he's got cha girl's back! We have this weird connection that not many people understand. And we have this pact where we will never argue, and if we do, he's always right. Also, we give eachother advice, and we will never judge eachother. DID YOU JUST GO STUFF YOUR SPEEDO?! LOL ILY<3 pepper spray moments!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
iCarly is the cutest show ever! hahahaha. I'm aware that I'm a sophomore in highschool. I just love it. Everyone is so funny! I love Sam.. i think it's cause she's just like me..alright well i'm not gonna rant about iCarly cause i know people will be like WTF?! 
ok...... well now i wanna talk about something that bugs me.
I disappoint myself, alot.
I want to be my best and do my best, yet I hold myself back.
I am my own worst enemy.
ugh. those 3 statements kill me. this is mainly directed at school, but it definitely also applies to swimming. I want to be a good student.. I want good grades. I want to study. I want to do my homework. Something stops me though, I don't know what. I get distracted easily, which means everything takes me twice as long to do, but also something inside of me holds me back. I just need to get through this school year so that I can attempt to start fresh next year.
ok sooooooooo
lets talk about something funny and happy before I bring myself down.
ok well, brendan and I both have the same taste in youtube videos. He sent me the link to "retarded policeman" and now I am obsessed with it. There are about 20 "retarded policeman" videos and I've watched like 10 today. hahaa
thanks brendan! you made my day!!!
ok and another youtube guru I am obsessed with is Shane Dawson
go check him out!!!!

well that's pretty much all I have to say, other than the fact that I CAN'T WAIT TILL SUMMER
K byeeeeeeeeeeee!:)))

ok...... well now i wanna talk about something that bugs me.
I disappoint myself, alot.
I want to be my best and do my best, yet I hold myself back.
I am my own worst enemy.
ugh. those 3 statements kill me. this is mainly directed at school, but it definitely also applies to swimming. I want to be a good student.. I want good grades. I want to study. I want to do my homework. Something stops me though, I don't know what. I get distracted easily, which means everything takes me twice as long to do, but also something inside of me holds me back. I just need to get through this school year so that I can attempt to start fresh next year.
ok sooooooooo
lets talk about something funny and happy before I bring myself down.
ok well, brendan and I both have the same taste in youtube videos. He sent me the link to "retarded policeman" and now I am obsessed with it. There are about 20 "retarded policeman" videos and I've watched like 10 today. hahaa
thanks brendan! you made my day!!!
ok and another youtube guru I am obsessed with is Shane Dawson
go check him out!!!!

well that's pretty much all I have to say, other than the fact that I CAN'T WAIT TILL SUMMER
K byeeeeeeeeeeee!:)))
Thursday, May 14, 2009
The meaning of phrases
Today, as I was zoning out (as usual), I started thinking about what people actually mean when they say something.
"Good for you"
I know some people may mean well when they say this, but I think this saying is sarcastic and sadistic. Like if someone said, "I got a straight perm for my hair and I really like it", and then someone else said, "good for you". It really means "I don't care, or I don't give a ...." Or like if someone is talking about how they are eating healthy and someone said "good for you".. I think they are just saying that cause they don't wanna be completely rude but I know they could care less.
"I don't care"
Some people really could care less, but when most people say it, it means that they REALLY DO care and that they are upset or bothered and they want to hide it so they try to act tough. Like if my parents are criticizing me and I say, "I don't care". Sometimes I don't care cause it's about something stupid, but a lot of the time, I really do care and what they are saying is really wearing me down, but my pride doesn't let me break down. I just act tough and deal with it when I am away from my parents.
"I'm fine", "I'm ok" ,or "I'm good"
Like I have said before.. some people actually mean it, but most people are actually trying to mask hurt or pain. "I'm fine", "I'm ok", or "I'm good" really means, "I'm not ok, but leave me alone because I don't want to talk about it or I don't want your help". Usually people just wanna go cry in a corner when they say this.
"Give me space"
Now, this means what it says, 99% of the time. It means, leave me alone, I don't wanna talk to you right now, go away for a while. Usually a while is longer than 5 days (*hint hint*). The only time this doesn't mean what it says is when those complicated girls say it but they really are playing hard to get. I am NOT one of those girls (*hint hint*).
"I hate you"
Well.. this one is complicated. Generally "I hate you" doesn't actually mean "I hate you". Most people don't have the guts to go up to someone they truly hate and say it to them. Usually, people say it when they are upset at someone and being a bit dramatic. Some girls say it when a guy has been a jerk to her. Most of the time they are upset at the guy, but they are too infatuated with him to actually be mad at him. If he apologized (like she wanted him to do because she planned this all so that he would feel bad), then she would go back to drooling over him in 1 second.
This is why people should watch what they say, or analyze what people say to them. People usually use their words to imply something, or dance around something so that they don't have to flat out say it.
"Good for you"
I know some people may mean well when they say this, but I think this saying is sarcastic and sadistic. Like if someone said, "I got a straight perm for my hair and I really like it", and then someone else said, "good for you". It really means "I don't care, or I don't give a ...." Or like if someone is talking about how they are eating healthy and someone said "good for you".. I think they are just saying that cause they don't wanna be completely rude but I know they could care less.
"I don't care"
Some people really could care less, but when most people say it, it means that they REALLY DO care and that they are upset or bothered and they want to hide it so they try to act tough. Like if my parents are criticizing me and I say, "I don't care". Sometimes I don't care cause it's about something stupid, but a lot of the time, I really do care and what they are saying is really wearing me down, but my pride doesn't let me break down. I just act tough and deal with it when I am away from my parents.
"I'm fine", "I'm ok" ,or "I'm good"
Like I have said before.. some people actually mean it, but most people are actually trying to mask hurt or pain. "I'm fine", "I'm ok", or "I'm good" really means, "I'm not ok, but leave me alone because I don't want to talk about it or I don't want your help". Usually people just wanna go cry in a corner when they say this.
"Give me space"
Now, this means what it says, 99% of the time. It means, leave me alone, I don't wanna talk to you right now, go away for a while. Usually a while is longer than 5 days (*hint hint*). The only time this doesn't mean what it says is when those complicated girls say it but they really are playing hard to get. I am NOT one of those girls (*hint hint*).
"I hate you"
Well.. this one is complicated. Generally "I hate you" doesn't actually mean "I hate you". Most people don't have the guts to go up to someone they truly hate and say it to them. Usually, people say it when they are upset at someone and being a bit dramatic. Some girls say it when a guy has been a jerk to her. Most of the time they are upset at the guy, but they are too infatuated with him to actually be mad at him. If he apologized (like she wanted him to do because she planned this all so that he would feel bad), then she would go back to drooling over him in 1 second.
This is why people should watch what they say, or analyze what people say to them. People usually use their words to imply something, or dance around something so that they don't have to flat out say it.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
it's THAT time of year
You know what i mean. It's finally getting nice outside.. just in time for exams and SOLs. It makes me so angry. I need to study, but i need to go and just chill, to reduce stress and stuff. Why can't we just take a midterm and nothing else? Whatever, school sucks.
Well, I went to Chick-fil-a today, and I realized that it is my favorite fast food place, EVER. It is so clean, the food is really good, AND the people who work there are tight as shit. I went in today and the people were having a conversation with me. It started out with the guy asking me about how my day was and then we were talking about swimming and stuff. I love friendly people!
Ok, so I was listening to "One of Us" by Joan Osborne, and it made me think. What if god was one of us?! Like, seriously. It made me think for a long time. Haha I'm lame:)
OH AND GUESS WHAT GUYS?!!!! I MADE A NEW FRIEND!!!! His name is Brendan and he's really cool. And he made me listen to this song, kids by MGMT.. and i love it. It's been stuck in my head all day. YAY!:D
i love making new friends
that is it for now, but tomorrow... hopefully tomorrow, i will blog about swine flu. and my encounters with a creeper by the name of sergio. and my different laughs
Well, I went to Chick-fil-a today, and I realized that it is my favorite fast food place, EVER. It is so clean, the food is really good, AND the people who work there are tight as shit. I went in today and the people were having a conversation with me. It started out with the guy asking me about how my day was and then we were talking about swimming and stuff. I love friendly people!
Ok, so I was listening to "One of Us" by Joan Osborne, and it made me think. What if god was one of us?! Like, seriously. It made me think for a long time. Haha I'm lame:)
OH AND GUESS WHAT GUYS?!!!! I MADE A NEW FRIEND!!!! His name is Brendan and he's really cool. And he made me listen to this song, kids by MGMT.. and i love it. It's been stuck in my head all day. YAY!:D
i love making new friends
that is it for now, but tomorrow... hopefully tomorrow, i will blog about swine flu. and my encounters with a creeper by the name of sergio. and my different laughs
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