Tuesday, April 7, 2009

i'm new to this shizit

hello folks,
tis me, annakelly. i am new to this blogging stuff. i read Caitlin and Connor's blog on the daily, and it inspired me to blog. so here i am.

alright, you know what bugs me..? people who are controlling. i'm not saying that i don't like being a leader, but leader and bossy communist are not the same..at all. like when somebody is like "NO LETS DO THIS!" everyone else wants to do something completely different, yet this one asshole thinks they can boss you around. i also hate when they are hypocritical. like if you are in the mall and you're like "ooh i wanna go to hot topic!" and everyone agrees with you, yet this one person has the gall to tell you that hot topic is inappropriate. five minutes later that same person suggests that everyone goes to spencers. um..... spencers is 500x more inappropriate. their comeback is, "it's not like you haven't been to spencers before, stop acting like a goody goody!" dude! NO! it's really not cool of you to be a bossy hypocrite. the only reason i said no to spencers is because you said we couldn't go to hot topic. STOP BEING AN ASSHOLE!!!!!!!!

that stuff seriously makes my blood boil and i become violent

well thats enough for now because i am biting the insides of my cheeks (something i do when i'm angry)



  1. gah me too. but what really grinds my gears is the people who micromanage whatever you do and nitpick at everything, but then do nothing themselves. then when you get a b+ on the work they complain to the teacher about how much they sat up at night proofreading their parts and that you didnt do anything. THOSE PEOPLE I HATE. at least i had proof i did all the work when that happened to me....
