anyways, i just wanted to share my personal experiences and opinions of boobs.
sooooo. i know guys think they are sexy and all that, but i don't think they are at all. this just proves how straight i am. i think boobs are gross.
i think that my boobs are too big.. which is why i NEVER show them off. i wore a cami today and they looked like bowling balls(ok more like some melon) and when i bent over, my cleavage was like huge cow titties... EWW!(cows don't have "titties" but thats what i call big fat girl boobs)
yeah, so i don't understand why girls want big boobs. they are a pain in the ass to run with, you attract creepers, and they are so large that they are disguisting. like, the first thing i'm doing when i get older and have enough money is getting a breast reduction! big boobs are just not cute. maybe little ones are, but big is nastaaaay. and they also make you look like 10 pounds heavier cause they stick out more and shirts that drape from the boobs make you look pregnant.
that's just my opinion on them. i don't like feeling like a stripper. i mean how stereotypical am i? my name is anna and i have big boobs.... sigh
so yeah, i'm sorry if this blog is too personal or not something you wanna read about but really, how is THIS sexy?

or this?

but maybe these are, becase they are small and cute:

k thats it,
oh PS big nipples are nastaaaayyyyyyy
ahaha so true!